McCall-Thomas provides detailed design engineering of generation, transmission and distribution substations for Electric Utilities and Industrial Customers.
What we do:
Our engineering and technical expertise and guidance will help in the identification, analysis and resolution of problems. Our engineers have proficient practices in addressing and identifying engineering and design
issues. They can evaluate and prepare alternative recommendations for each unique substation project. All engineers are knowledgeable of NEC, NESC, RUS, NERC, and IEEE/ANSI Standards to ensure your project meets all requirements.
As part of our design process we will provide effective planning, organization, estimating, scheduling, and monitoring for all the projects work activities. Our engineers will be responsible for facilitating project work that involves substation layouts, materials, grounding, and protection and control systems (P&C) that are microprocessor based.
We can develop detailed drawings and designs of one-line, three-line, relay panel, and control schematics. Our engineers can also produce power system design studies and analysis catered to your AC & DC Systems.
Our Services:
New Substation
Site selection
Site design
Site layout
Construction permits
Material Acquisition
General Arrangement Drawings
Structural Steel Drawings
Relay Drawings & Specifications
Relay Panel Procurement & Installation
Relay Commissioning & Testing
Equipment Replacement & Upgrade
Overhead and underground distribution circuit addition
High side upgrades – Circuit Switcher & Circuit Breaker
Low side upgrades – Conductor & Switch Replacement
Transformer Upgrade
Control House Addition
Full Turnkey Relay Change Outs or Upgrades
Comprehensive inspections on safety concerns and maintenance items
An estimated budget provided to address safety and maintenance items
Relay Testing
Oil Testing, Analysis and Recommendations
Circuit Switcher, Transformer, Regulator, Breaker & Recloser Inspections Testing and Maintenance